Source code for setigen.voltage.polyphase_filterbank

import os

GPU_FLAG = os.getenv('SETIGEN_ENABLE_GPU', '0')
if GPU_FLAG == '1':
        import cupy as xp
    except ImportError:
        import numpy as xp
    import numpy as xp
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import time

[docs] class PolyphaseFilterbank(object): """ Implement a polyphase filterbank (PFB) for coarse channelization of real voltage input data. Follows description in Danny C. Price, Spectrometers and Polyphase Filterbanks in Radio Astronomy, 2016. Available online at: """
[docs] def __init__(self, num_taps=8, num_branches=1024, window_fn='hamming'): """ Initialize a polyphase filterbank object, with a voltage sample cache that ensures that consecutive sample retrievals get contiguous data (i.e. without introduced time delays). Parameters ---------- num_taps : int, optional Number of PFB taps num_branches : int, optional Number of PFB branches. Note that this results in ``num_branches / 2`` coarse channels. window_fn : str, optional Windowing function used for the PFB """ self.num_taps = num_taps self.num_branches = num_branches self.window_fn = window_fn self.cache = None self._get_pfb_window() # Estimate stds after channelizing Gaussian with mean 0, std 1 self.channelized_stds = None
def _reset_cache(self): """ Clear sample cache. """ self.cache = None
[docs] def estimate_channelized_stds(self, factor=10000, seed=None): """ Estimate standard deviations in real and imaginary components after channelizing a zero-mean Gaussian distribution with variance 1. Parameters ---------- factor : int, default : 10000 Use ``factor * num_branches`` samples for estimation seed : None, int, Generator, optional Random seed or seed generator Return ------ channelized_stds : array Array of standard deviation estimates """ rng = xp.random.default_rng(seed) sample_v = rng.standard_normal(size=factor * self.num_branches) v_pfb = self.channelize(sample_v, cache=False) self.channelized_stds = xp.array([v_pfb.real.std(), v_pfb.imag.std()]) return self.channelized_stds
def _get_pfb_window(self): """ Creates and saves PFB windowing coefficients. """ self.window = get_pfb_window(self.num_taps, self.num_branches, self.window_fn)
[docs] def get_response(self, fftlength=512): """ Saves frequency response shape and ratio of maximum to mean of the frequency response. Parameters ---------- fftlength : int, default : 512 FFT length used in fine channelization, which must be a multiple of num_taps (``fftlength = factor * num_taps``) Return ------ response : array Half-coarse channel frequency response """ if fftlength % self.num_taps != 0: raise ValueError(f"fftlength ({fftlength}) must be a multiple of taps ({self.num_taps})") freq_response_x = xp.zeros(self.num_branches * fftlength) freq_response_x[:self.num_taps*self.num_branches] = self.window h = xp.fft.fft(freq_response_x) half_coarse_chan = (xp.abs(h)**2)[:fftlength//2]+(xp.abs(h)**2)[fftlength//2:fftlength][::-1] self.response = self.half_coarse_chan = half_coarse_chan self.max_mean_ratio = xp.max(half_coarse_chan) / xp.mean(half_coarse_chan) return half_coarse_chan
[docs] def tile_response(self, num_chans, fftlength=512): """ Construct tiled PFB frequency response. Parameters ---------- num_chans : int Number of coarse channels to tile fftlength : int, default : 512 FFT length used in fine channelization, which must be a multiple of num_taps (``fftlength = factor * num_taps``) Return ------ response : array Multiple coarse channel frequency response """ response = self.get_response(fftlength=fftlength) return xp.tile(xp.concatenate([response[::-1], response]), num_chans)
[docs] def channelize(self, x, cache=True): """ Channelize input voltages by applying the PFB and taking a normalized FFT. Parameters ---------- x : array Array of voltages cache : bool, default : True Option to cache last section of data, which is excluded in PFB step Returns ------- X_pfb : array Post-FFT complex voltages """ if cache: # Cache last section of data, which is excluded in PFB step if self.cache is not None: x = xp.concatenate([self.cache, x]) self.cache = x[-self.num_taps*self.num_branches:] x = pfb_frontend(x, self.window, self.num_taps, self.num_branches) X_pfb = xp.fft.fft(x, self.num_branches, axis=1)[:, 0:self.num_branches//2] / self.num_branches**0.5 return X_pfb
[docs] def pfb_frontend(x, pfb_window, num_taps, num_branches): """ Apply windowing function to create polyphase filterbank frontend. Follows description in Danny C. Price, Spectrometers and Polyphase Filterbanks in Radio Astronomy, 2016. Available online at: Parameters ---------- x : array Array of voltages pfb_window : array Array of PFB windowing coefficients num_taps : int Number of PFB taps num_branches : int Number of PFB branches. Note that this results in ``num_branches / 2`` coarse channels. Returns ------- x_summed : array Array of voltages post-PFB weighting """ W = int(len(x) / num_taps / num_branches) # Truncate data stream x to fit reshape step x_p = x[:W*num_taps*num_branches].reshape((W * num_taps, num_branches)) h_p = pfb_window.reshape((num_taps, num_branches)) # Resulting summed data array will be slightly shorter from windowing coeffs # I = xp.expand_dims(xp.arange(num_taps), 0) + xp.expand_dims(xp.arange((W - 1) * num_taps), 0).T # x_summed = xp.sum(x_p[I] * h_p, axis=1) / num_taps x_summed = xp.zeros(((W - 1) * num_taps, num_branches)) for t in range(0, (W - 1) * num_taps): x_weighted = x_p[t:t+num_taps, :] * h_p x_summed[t, :] = xp.sum(x_weighted, axis=0) return x_summed
[docs] def get_pfb_window(num_taps, num_branches, window_fn='hamming'): """ Get windowing function to multiply to time series data according to a finite impulse response (FIR) filter. Parameters ---------- num_taps : int Number of PFB taps num_branches : int Number of PFB branches. Note that this results in ``num_branches / 2`` coarse channels. window_fn : str, optional Windowing function used for the PFB Returns ------- window : array Array of PFB windowing coefficients """ window = scipy.signal.firwin(num_taps * num_branches, cutoff=1.0 / num_branches, window=window_fn, scale=True) window *= num_taps * num_branches return xp.array(window)
[docs] def get_pfb_voltages(x, num_taps, num_branches, window_fn='hamming'): """ Produce complex raw voltage data as a function of time and coarse channel. Parameters ---------- x : array Array of voltages num_taps : int Number of PFB taps num_branches : int Number of PFB branches. Note that this results in ``num_branches / 2`` coarse channels. window_fn : str, optional Windowing function used for the PFB Returns ------- X_pfb : array Post-FFT complex voltages """ # Generate window coefficients win_coeffs = get_pfb_window(num_taps, num_branches, window_fn) # Apply frontend, take FFT, then take power (i.e. square) x_fir = pfb_frontend(x, win_coeffs, num_taps, num_branches) X_pfb = xp.fft.rfft(x_fir, num_branches, axis=1) / num_branches**0.5 return X_pfb