Voltage synthesis (setigen.voltage)

The setigen.voltage module extends setigen to the voltage regime. Instead of directly synthesizing spectrogram data, we can produce real voltages, pass them through a software pipeline based on a polyphase filterbank, and record to file in GUPPI RAW format. As this process models actual hardware used by Breakthrough Listen for recording raw voltages, this enables lower level testing and experimentation.

A set of tutorial walkthroughs can be found here.

The basic pipeline structure


The basic layout of a voltage pipeline written using setigen.voltage is shown in the image.

First, we have an Antenna, which contains DataStreams for each polarization (1 or 2 total). Noise and signals are added to individual DataStreams, so that polarizations are unique and not necessarily correlated. These are added as functions, which accept an array of times in seconds and return an array of voltages, corresponding to random noise or defined signals. This allows us to obtain voltage samples on demand from each DataStream, and by extension from the Antenna.

The main backend elements are the digitizer, filterbank, and requantizer. The digitizer quantizes input voltages to a desired number of bits, and a desired full width at half maximum (FWHM) in the quantized voltage space. The filterbank implements a software polyphase filterbank, coarsely channelizing input voltages. The requantizer takes the resulting complex voltages, and quantizes each component to either 8 or 4 bits, suitable for saving into GUPPI RAW format.

All of these elements are wrapped into the RawVoltageBackend, which connects each piece together. The main method RawVoltageBackend.record() automatically retrieves real voltages as needed and passes them through each backend element, finally saving out the quantized complex voltages to disk.

A minimal working example of the pipeline is as follows:

from astropy import units as u
import setigen as stg

antenna = stg.voltage.Antenna(sample_rate=3e9*u.Hz,



digitizer = stg.voltage.RealQuantizer(target_fwhm=32,

filterbank = stg.voltage.PolyphaseFilterbank(num_taps=8,

requantizer = stg.voltage.ComplexQuantizer(target_fwhm=32,

rvb = stg.voltage.RawVoltageBackend(antenna,

           header_dict={'HELLO': 'test_value',
                        'TELESCOP': 'GBT'},

Using GPU acceleration

The process of synthesizing real voltages at a high sample rate and passing through multiple signal processing steps can be very computationally expensive on a CPU. Accordingly, if you have access to a GPU, it is highly recommended to install CuPy, which performs the equivalent NumPy array operations on the GPU (https://docs.cupy.dev/en/stable/install.html). This is not necessary to run raw voltage generation, but will highly accelerate the pipeline. Once you have CuPy installed, to enable GPU acceleration, you must set SETIGEN_ENABLE_GPU to ‘1’ in the shell or in Python via os.environ. It can also be useful to set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to specify which GPUs to use. The following enables GPU usage and specifies to use the GPU indexed as 0.

import os
os.environ['SETIGEN_ENABLE_GPU'] = '1'
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0'

Details behind classes

Adding noise and signal sources

If your application uses two polarizations, an Antenna’s data streams are available via the Antenna.x and Antenna.y attributes. For one polarization, only the former is available. We can inject noise and signal sources to these individual data streams. Note that you can still add signal sources after the RawVoltageBackend is created; real voltages are only computed at execution time.

Real voltage noise is modeled as ideal Gaussian noise. Note that this actually stores a function with the DataStream that isn’t evaluated until get_samples() is actually called:


For convenience, the Antenna.streams attribute is a list containing the available data streams for each polarization. So, to add a Gaussian noise source (with the same statistics) to each antenna, you can do:

for stream in antenna.streams:

This will adjust the DataStream.noise_std parameter for each polarization, which is also accessible using DataStream.get_total_noise_std().

We can also add drifting cosine signals to each stream:


Here, f_start is the starting frequency, drift_rate is the change in frequency per time in Hz/s, level is the amplitude of the cosine signal, and phase is the phase offset in radians.

Custom signal sources

To add custom signal source functions, you can use the add_signal method:


Signal source functions are Python functions that accept an array of times, in seconds, and output a corresponding sequence of real voltages. A simple example showing how you might generate Gaussian noise “signal”:

def my_noise_source(ts):
    return np.random.normal(0, 1, len(ts))


As custom signals are added, the DataStream.noise_std parameter may no longer be accurate. In these cases, you may run update_noise() to estimate the noise based on a few voltages calculated from all noise and signal sources. Then, the proper noise standard deviation can be produced via DataStream.get_total_noise_std().


The quantization classes are RealQuantizer and ComplexQuantizer. The latter actually uses the former for quantizing real and imaginary components independently. Quantization is run per polarization and antenna.

The quantizers attempt to map the voltage distribution to an ideal quantized normal distribution with a target FWHM. Voltages that extend past the range of integers representable by num_bits are clipped. The standard deviation of the voltage distribution is calculated as they are collected, on a subset of stats_calc_num_samples samples. By default, this calculation is run on every pass through the pipeline, but can be limited to periodic calculations using the stats_calc_period initialization parameter. If this is set to anything besides a positive integer, the calculation will only be run on the first call and never again (which saves a lot of computation, but may not be the most accurate if the voltage distribution changes over time).

Polyphase filterbank

The PolyphaseFilterbank class implements and applies a PFB to quantized input voltages. A good introduction to PFBs is Danny C. Price 2016, “Spectrometers and Polyphase Filterbanks in Radio Astronomy” (http://arxiv.org/abs/1607.03579), as well as the accompanying Jupyter notebook.

The main things to keep in mind when initializing a PolyphaseFilterbank object are:

  • num_taps controls the spectral profile of each individual coarse channel; the higher this is, the closer the spectral response gets to ideal
  • num_branches controls the number of coarse channels; after the real FFT, we obtain num_branches / 2 total coarse channels spanning the Nyquist range

Creating multi-antenna RAW files

To simulate interferometric pipelines, it may be useful to synthesize raw voltage data from multiple antennas. The MultiAntennaArray class supports exactly this, creating a list of sub-Antennas each with an associated integer delay (in time samples). In addition to the individual data streams that allow you to add noise and signals to each Antenna, there are “background” data streams bg_x and bg_y in MultiAntennaArray, representing common / correlated noise or RFI that each Antenna can see, subject to the (relative) delay. If there are no delays, the background data streams will be perfectly correlated for each antenna.

Here’s an example initialization for a 3 antenna array:

sample_rate = 3e9
delays = np.array([0, 1e-6, 2e-6]) * sample_rate
maa = stg.voltage.MultiAntennaArray(num_antennas=3,

You can access both background data streams using the MultiAntennaArray.bg_streams attribute:

for stream in maa.bg_streams:

Then, instead of passing a single Antenna into a RawVoltageBackend object, you pass in the MultiAntennaArray:

rvb = stg.voltage.RawVoltageBackend(maa,

The RawVoltageBackend will get samples from each Antenna, accounting for the background data streams intrinsic to the MultiAntennaArray, subject to each Antenna’s delays.

Injecting signals at a desired SNR

With noise and multiple signal processing operations, including an FFT, it can be a bit tricky to choose the correct amplitude of a cosine signal at the beginning of the pipeline to achieve a desired signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the final finely channelized intensity data products. setigen.voltage.level_utils has a few helper functions to facilitate this, depending on the nature of the desired cosine signal.

Since the final SNR depends on the fine channelization FFT length and the time integration factor, as well as parameters inherent to the data production, we need external functions to help calculate an amplitude, or level, for our cosine signal.

First off, assume we are creating a non-drifting cosine signal. If the signal is at the center of a finely channelized frequency bin, get_level() gives the appropriate cosine amplitude to achieve a given SNR if the initial real Gaussian noise has a variance of 1:

fftlength = 1024
num_blocks = 1
signal_level = stg.voltage.get_level(snr=10,

If the noise in the DataStream doesn’t have a variance of 1, we need to adjust this signal level by multiplying by DataStream.get_total_noise_std(). Note that this method also works for data streams within Antennas that are part of MultiAntennaArrays, since it will automatically account for the background noise in the array. Since the noise power is squared during fine channelization, the signal amplitude should go linearly as a function of the standard deviation of the noise.

If the signal is non-drifting, in general the spectral response will go as 1/sinc^2(x), where x is the fractional error off of the center of the spectral bin. To calculate the corresponding amount to adjust signal_level, you can use get_leakage_factor(). This technically calculates 1/sinc(x), which is inherently squared naturally along with the cosine signal amplitude during fine channelization.

To account for drift rates, it gets a bit more complicated; in general, if the drift rate is larger than a pixel by pixel slope of 1 in the final spectrogram data products, dividing the initial non-drifting power by that pixel by pixel slope will result in the new power. In other words, if s is the drift rate corresponding to a final pixel by pixel slope of 1, then a signal drifting by 2*s will have half the SNR of the non-drifting signal. For a given RawVoltageBackend and reduced data product parameters fftlength and int_factor (integration factor), you can calculate s via get_unit_drift_rate(). However, the situation is much more complicated for drift rates between 0 and s, so setigen doesn’t currently automatically calculate the requisite shift in power. Note that if you’d like to adjust the power for drift rates higher than s, you should adjust the amplitude (level) of the cosine signal by the square root of the relevant factor.

An example accounting for multiple effects like these:

f_start = 6003.1e6
leakage_factor = stg.voltage.get_leakage_factor(f_start, rvb, fftlength)
for stream in antenna.streams:
    level = stream.get_total_noise_std() * leakage_factor * signal_level