Source code for setigen.funcs.paths

Sample signal paths for signal injection.

For any given starting frequency,
these functions map out the path of a signal as a function of time in
time-frequency space.
import sys
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u

from setigen import unit_utils

[docs]def constant_path(f_start, drift_rate): """ Constant drift rate. """ f_start = unit_utils.get_value(f_start, u.Hz) drift_rate = unit_utils.get_value(drift_rate, u.Hz / u.s) def path(t): return f_start + drift_rate * t return path
[docs]def squared_path(f_start, drift_rate): """ Quadratic signal path; drift_rate here only refers to the starting slope. """ f_start = unit_utils.get_value(f_start, u.Hz) drift_rate = unit_utils.get_value(drift_rate, u.Hz / u.s) def path(t): return f_start + 0.5 * drift_rate * t**2 return path
[docs]def sine_path(f_start, drift_rate, period, amplitude): """ Sine path in time-frequency space. """ f_start = unit_utils.get_value(f_start, u.Hz) drift_rate = unit_utils.get_value(drift_rate, u.Hz / u.s) period = unit_utils.get_value(period, u.s) amplitude = unit_utils.get_value(amplitude, u.Hz) def path(t): return f_start + amplitude * np.sin(2*np.pi*t/period) + drift_rate * t return path
[docs]def choppy_rfi_path(f_start, drift_rate, spread, spread_type='uniform'): """ A crude simulation of one style of RFI that shows up, in which the signal jumps around in frequency. This example samples the center frequency for each time sample from either a uniform or normal distribution. Argument spread_type can be either 'uniform' or 'normal'. Note: another approach could be to random walk the frequency over time. """ f_start = unit_utils.get_value(f_start, u.Hz) drift_rate = unit_utils.get_value(drift_rate, u.Hz / u.s) spread = unit_utils.get_value(spread, u.Hz) def path(t): if spread_type == 'uniform': f_offset = np.random.uniform(-spread / 2., spread / 2., t.shape) elif spread_type == 'normal': f_offset = np.random.normal(0, spread, t.shape) else: sys.exit('%s is not a valid spread type!' % spread_type) return f_start + drift_rate * t + f_offset return path